Aug 26, 2008 20:10

Title: Questions About Nothing
Characters/Pairing: The Doctor, Martha, and their respective daemons
Word Count: 380
Rating: PG
Summary: The Doctor does something that means nothing at all, and Loreana does not understand the appropriate time to ask questions.
Notes: Written for daemonmuses for the prompt "write about the first time you kissed someone". I make no excuses.
Disclaimer: "Smith & Jones", Martha, and the Doctor belong to the BBC. Daemons belong to His Dark Materials. Loreana specifically is mine, as Ozzy is _chibidragon_'s.

"Forgive me for this, it could save a thousand lives; it means nothing."

Loreana's already halfway down the hall, dancing impatiently from one foot to the other the way she always does just before the running starts, but she stops, hearing that. The Doctor tries to ignore the way he can feel her focus shifting as she realizes what he's going to do.

He really doesn't need her questioning him right now, much less a debate with her, which is what she will do if he gives her half a second. She never does seem to realize that there's such a thing as "no time for this conversation."

So he kisses Martha, before Martha can question what he means, or Loreana demand to know what the hell he's doing, and he vaguely notices Martha's leopard, what's his name, lashing his tail in a somewhat disconcerted way, but he doesn't have time to think about that.

He also doesn't have time to think about how warm her skin is under his hands, how he can feel her pulse hammering in her neck, under his fingers, how she stops breathing for a second when he kisses her or how she sways a little when he releases her, but he does anyway.

Loreana's right at his side as he races down the hall, though as always, the running doesn't stop her from talking. "Did you really have to kiss her?"


"It's good that you're- I mean, you're happier when you have people around. But-"

The Doctor skids to a halt, just in front of Loreana, and whips around to face her. "We're in a hospital, on the moon, running out of oxygen, running from space police who are going to kill us if they find us, and about to go talk to a bloodsucking shapeshifter who will also kill us dead. You think this can wait a little while?"

Loreana's ears and tail drop immediately, and she waves the tip of her tail very slightly in apology. It's enough answer for the Doctor, and he turns back around, glancing around briefly as he tries to remember where, exactly, he was going.

Honestly, you can't even do a simple genetic transfer these days without someone making a scene about it...

for: prompts: daemonmuses, character: dw: martha jones, verse: dw/hdm: the shape of a soul, crossover: doctor who/his dark materials, fandom: his dark materials, character: dw: the doctor (ten), character: dw: the doctor, pairing: dw: tenth doctor/martha, fandom: doctor who/torchwood

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