It's me, Erin, again Name: Erin
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Location: Michigan
Your photo:
Birthday: May 28
Star/Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Unique talents: ---
Explain your username: Well, originally the username I originally wanted, thateringirl, was taken. The reason I came up with it is because it's something that could easily be said in conversation. However, the high school I attended, there were (surprisingly) a lot of Erin's so "thatothererin" was born. ;)
Your Past: I'm really not one to reveal a whole lot about myself because I'm a (relatively) private person. However, my life up until now hasn't been terribly difficult, but it hasn't been 100% easy, either. I had to cope with a learning disability discovered half-way through high school and then later with social anxiety that I'm still learning to deal with.
Your Present: My present is pretty stagnant interrupted by bursts of activity. I'm still inbetween jobs at the moment, but this year I'm 30-years-old--IT'S MY YEAR, DAMNIT! lol--Things are going to change, somehow!
Your Future: Sometimes I think it's Big Fat Question Mark and other days it's a Big Fat Void, but then there are the days where it's Full of Possibilities.
List 3 things you like about yourself
1 Strange sense of humor
2 The sometimes random ways I see things
3 Does dorkiness count?
List 3 things others do/would like about you
1 I like to think people like my sense of humor. They must if the RL friends keep hanging around me.
2 My random ramblings
3 Again, does dorkiness count?
List 3 things that make you a good friend
1 It's cliche to say this, but I'm going to anyway because I believe it to be true; I'm a good listener. I know, it's a bit different online, but I've been friends with an internet buddy going on 12 years now because I took the time to listen to her.
2 You can always count on me to find the weirdest glitches in any game I play. Why does this make me a good friend? I have no idea, actually. I just thought I'd list it.
3 I always comment back.
5 things you enjoy doing with friends:
1 Watching movies is probably the most favorite thing to do with friends
2 Taking vacations/trips together
3 Playing video games together
4 Going for 2am drives for food. And no, we were not high. :P
5 ---
5 favourite songs:
1 Civil Twilight - Letters From The Sky (according to iTunes I've listened to this song 2k+ times)
2 Mumford & Sons - White Blank Page (I admit it, I cried like a baby the first time I really listened to the song)
3 Portishead - Roads
4 Modestep - Exile
5 The Crashtones - Black Dress
5 favourite books:
1 The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (and not cuz I just finished it :P)
2 Savages
3 Clockwork Angel
4 Clockwork Prince
5 Clockwork Princess (OK, YES. I KNOW IT'S NOT OUT, but it'll be fantastic anyway!)
My opinion on boybands: How the hell could I have ever been into them!? XD
The most important thing in life is: Good friends and good family.
If you were famous what would you like to be famous for? Great photographs!
If you could be a fictional character who would you be and why? Tony Stark because he gets all the bitches ladies. Or Jon Snow because . . . he's Jon Fucking Snow! D:< Ok, ok. He's got a kickass direwolf called Ghost. I just like wolves, ok? But, applying that logic, I could say the same of Robb and the other Starks . . . which is probably why I like House Stark so much. /geekery
You find $500 dollars. What do you do with it? I'd give it to the police because I'm an idiot. But, honest to God, I'd feel like a creep carrying that much money on me and knowing it's not really mine.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why? Edgar Allen Poe because why not?
What have been the best and worst times in your life thus far? Any time spent with friends and family are the best and the worst time was getting fired from my job. :\
Who are you closer to friends or family? I would say it's good balance with a leaning toward family.
What is your most embarrassing moment? Honestly, it's too embarrassing to ever repeat. Ever.
You're sent to an deserted island to live for the rest of your life, you can only bring 1 person and 5 things with you. Who do you bring, and what objects do you take? My best friend and my 5 favorite books (even if one of the technically doesn't exist . . . yet).
3+ members you think you would like to get to know better: Anyone here, really! :)