Spuffy RECS requested

Mar 22, 2020 08:09

Hi out there.  Not unlike many, I'm stuck at home and am tired of streaming anything.  I want to read, specifically, I want to read Spuffy!

I haven't really read fanfic for years so I'm looking for recs for fics in the last 7 -10 years or so.  The only absolute requirements are that the fic is vampire/slayer, no AH, and that it's complete.  I'm really not in a headspace for not knowing the end of a story.

As for preferences, I like long fics, the longer the better.  I like good STORIES.

I really hope there are folks that get to see this post and have some juicy recs to offer.  And, if you're a writer, please, please feel free to direct me to any of your offerings that fit the bill.

And if there's any other place that you think I should post my request, please let me know

Thanks so much for your help.
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