Claim something or someone from Greek Mythology! You can claim a god, a hero, an item, a location, a temple, a relationship, a book, a creature, a story, or anything else that fits Greek Mythology.
Here is a list to get you started if you need help!
Examples: Apollo/Daphne; Nine Muses; Athens.
If you have a question if your claim is appropriate, leave it in the comments.
Please read the
rules before claiming.
Claim with a comment saying: [claim]
Aphrodite -
nicolle_016Apollo -
los_yorkAres -
ekhoesofsorceryAriadne -
wawwhiteArtemis -
luciusmistressAthena -
sunflower_mynahDaedalus + Icarus -
cartographyEcho + Narcissus -
ashling_cHades -
peppermintspoonHades + Persephone -
girlofavalonMaia -
sweetthumbelinaMedusa -
gring0ttsOdysseus + Penelope -
caitriona_3Pegasus -
stharridanPsyche -
rot_chan Use the following code on your profile or one from the
user info.
☀ XXX is mine at