Eras & Events

Mar 23, 2011 14:04

Claim a historical era or event! Check out this list to get an idea of what is available for claiming.

It will help me out a lot if you're very specific in what you're claiming! Please let me know what event or era, what country or location, and what years are involved.

Examples: The American Civil War, U.S., 1861-1865; The Renaissance, Europe, 1300s-1600s; World War II, France, 1939-1945.

You can claim a broad or a narrow location of an era. For example, you can claim Europe during WWII, just Western Europe, just France, or even just Paris. If some claims Italy during the Renaissance, you can claim Florence or Spain or all of Europe, etc.

Please let me know what years (or centuries as the case may be) that your era takes place in. If you have no idea, just look it up on Wikipedia.

If you have a question if your claim is appropriate, leave it in the comments.

Please read the rules before claiming.

Claim with a comment saying: [year(s)][era/event][location]

1200s, The Dark Ages, Europe - thewordmap
1300-1600s, The Renaissance, Europe - sweetthumbelina
1485-1603, Tudor Era, England - ekhoesofsorcery
1492-1959, The Colonial Era - cartography
1660, The Restoration, England - peppermintspoon
1776-1840, Early U.S. Political Climate - salveevery1
1800-1920, Wild West, western United States - wawwhite
1811-1820, Regency Era, United Kingdom - luciusmistress
1835-1836, Texas War for Independence, Texas - caitriona_3
1837-1901, Victorian Era, United Kingdom - rvillarrubia
1912, April 14, Sinking of the Titanic, Atlantic Ocean - girlofavalon
1919-1939, Interwar Years, England - ashling_c
1920-1930s, Harlem Renaissance, United States - nicolle_016
1939-1945, World War II, Europe - silvertigerx
1945, Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan - stharridan
1950s, The Fifties, ?? - moosmiles
1960s, The Sixties, United States - los_york
1990s, The Nineties, United Kingdom - scarletladyy

Use the following code on your profile or one from the user info.
ERA in LOCATION during YEARS is mine at