Here is an example list to get you started on what fits in the space & sky category.
Claim a cloud type, constellation, time of day, lunar phase, planet, star, etc. Really, you can claim anything in Astronomy or Meteorology.
Examples: falling stars, lunar eclipses, Betelgeuse, dusk, or cumulus clouds.
If you have a question if your claim is appropriate, leave it in the comments.
Please read the
rules before claiming.
Claim with a comment saying: [claim]
Andromeda -
rvillarrubiaAurora Borealis -
luciusmistressBellatrix -
scarletladyyCancer -
stharridancumulonimbus clouds -
caitriona_3full moon -
ashling_cLibra -
rot_chanMercury -
girlofavalonMilky Way -
cartographynight sky -
ekhoesofsorceryOrion -
wawwhitePluto -
peppermintspoonrainbows -
sweetthumbelinaSagittarius -
unseensorrowsshooting stars -
nicolle_016Sirius -
gring0ttssolar eclipses -
sunflower_mynah Use the following code on your profile or one from the
user info. Change it to suit your claim.
☀ XXX is/are mine at