Claim any character from a video game, computer game, board game, card game, whatever!
Examples: Master Chief (Halo), Mario (Donkey Kong), Rich Uncle Pennybags (Monopoly)
If you have a question if your claim is appropriate, leave it in the comments.
Please read the
rules before claiming.
Claim with a comment saying: [charcacter] ([game]) ☚ If the character is in more than one game, you can just list the first one.
Auron (Final Fantasy X) -
stharridanBryan Fury (Tekken 3) -
peppermintspoonCroc (Croc: Legend of the Gobbos) -
cartographyLara Croft (Tomb Raider) -
nicolle_016Miss Scarlet (Clue) -
wawwhitePrincess Peach (Super Mario Bros.) -
caitriona_3Sheena Fujibayashi (Tales of Symphonia) -
clautophobiaThe Bard (The Sims Medieval) -
ekhoesofsorcery Use the following code on your profile or one from the
user info.
☞ XXX is my game character at