Other court/kingdom wanting Merlin for his magic, jealous Arthur.

Oct 08, 2016 01:21

Hi, all.

I have been looking for a merthur fic for weeks, and, just can not find it.

It is sort of has themes from exile from albion by astolat, and, stars above, stars below, by destina, as it has a person from another kingdom asking Merlin to do magic, like in the fic by destina, but he actually goes through with it, and quite impressively so, like in astolat's fic.

That is pretty much it, another kingdom comes, they ask Merlin to see some magic, (He might have been the actual court sorcerer, or just everyone knew he did magic for his kingdom without an official title yet, but, everyone from everywhere definitely knew he was magic, especially his kingdom, and especially Arthur.) and he does some really impressive stuff, too impressive, (Do not remember exactly what he did, keep thinking of blue dragons, but, could just be thinking of the first fic I listed up there.) I think I might recall either Gaius or Arthur saying he should not have shown off, shown what he could truly do, as the other court is already salivating over him, and the other court either actively tries to steal him from Arthur, or just creepily pressures him, but, do they ever want him, which Arthur does not like, obviously.

I am really hoping one of you lovely people can help Me, as this is driving Me nuts.


genre: magic related, pairing: merlin/arthur

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