Mar 21, 2012 20:23
This has been stuck in my head for a few days, and it's starting to bug me.
There's a reveal fic, and Arthur is injured or cursed or something, so that every day he loses his memory. Sort of like a Fifty First Dates situation, I guess.
Arthur isn't allowed to leave his room for some reason, but Merlin is allowed in to take care of him. Merlin takes this opportunity to continually reveal his magic to Arthur, to see how he'll react, and there's a lot of days where Merlin will kind of panic or get nervous right after he reveals his magic and he'll trigger whatever it is that makes Arthur lose his memory. Eventually Arthur's mind essentially stops being wiped so clean every day and kind of remembers Merlin telling him over and over again and is getting aggravated/resentful of Merlin not allowing him to ever have a proper reaction before the slate is wiped clean.
character: arthur,
genre: magic reveal,
character: merlin