Dec 11, 2011 19:18
I got way behind on my Season 4 watching for emotional reasons and I have only just caught up. Of course I couldn't read any Season 4 stories during that time - so I am now looking for kind people to tell me which wonderful Season 4 fics I really shouldn't have missed!
I am primarily a Merlin/Arthur fan and I really don't enjoy either of them seriously paired with anyone else (which is keeping me from enjoying a lot of great knight/Arthur action I'm told). I'm also not a femmeslash fan. Anything else - hommeslash, het or gen; fluffy or angsty - is great.
character: arthur,
character: merlin,
genre: canon,
pairing: merlin/arthur,
genre: angst,
genre: fluff,
genre: het,
genre: gen/friendship