Merlin, Arthur on a quest

Oct 23, 2011 10:49

Hi..With all the fics about baby dragons out now, I just remembered this one...In this one, Arthur, Merlin and the knights went on a quest, I think to find a dragon egg. They I think went to France, Italy or something....Merlin's magic is revealed in this one and Arthur is not happy....The dragon egg hatches and the dragon can talk mentally to Merlin....

In this one of the knights treat Merlin very badly....and in another scene, Merlin transforms a horse to have wings and he and Arthur escape (from a gladiator fight?)

I am sure its all in one fic....I hope I am not mixing up 2 fics....and I dont rememeber if it was slash or gen

Has anybody read this one?

character: arthur, fanfic, specific, character: merlin, genre: canon

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