looking for book of short horror fiction with story about disappearing amusement park & boy

Sep 20, 2017 17:35

I'm looking for a book of short stories. Possibly suspense or horror. Not sure if it's one author or several, and I'm not sure when this book was published. My friend bought a copy of it in a Pittsburgh used book store back in the early 2000s. One story in particular stood out.

It was about a young couple who is driving in the night time in the countryside, and they find a carnival or amusement park. It seems pretty normal, and they go on all the rides with their son. When it's time to go home,they put him in the backseat of their car--but when they look, the boy isn't there any longer. Of course they go back to the carnival and search the parking lot and all around, etc.

Finally they're forced to return home w/o their son. I can't recall if police were involved, but when they go back to the location of the amusement park, it isn't there and there is no evidence that there ever *was* such a park.

Can anyone help with this, please? My friend got rid of her books when she moved a few years ago and she doesn't remember anything about it.

EDIT: Spoke to my friend. She said the only compilations she remembers owning were one by Stephen King (99.9% sure it's not his book), a sci-fi collection of some sort, and a "Best of [Insert Year Here]" book. There are so many of those Best ofs that I despair of ever finding this book.

But maybe these clues will help. Thanks!

Thanks very much
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