May 18, 2004 20:17
Hey guys what up?? Its been a while since i have posted and thats why im posting now. Last weekend was one of the best weekends i have ever had!! It was soo much fun. I went down to deltona to go to danny's birthday party (plays on my soccer team). So when i got there i was with 9 other guys and we were just chillen. We played some Ps2 and played on the drums a little and pretty much just layed back. Well later that night we got the urge to all get out of the house and walk aruond the nieghborhood lol. We brought some eggs and baloney to mess around with haha. We ended up stealing a 150 yard marker on a golf course, tipping 2 john boys, crushing glass bottles in the middle of the highway, pissing on a few cars, skinny dipping in someones pool, breaking 2 mail boxes, TP-ing the whole nieghborhood, laying a mattress and some lumber down in the middle of the road, stealing two hats and a can of grease out of a garage that poeple just left from in their car, and getting a really pissed off guy to chase us. The guy wanted to kill us he was soo mad lol. It wa great, he got into his car and went searching for us lol. The best thing was that we ran back home and a few hours later we decided that we wanted to get revnge from that guy that was chasing us so we decided to egg his house and car lol. So we did like at 1 n the morning. And when we did he was waiting for us in his living room and when he heard the first egg hit he ran out to his car and peeled out when he was backing out of the driveway. Andrew and i were gone we were fast like tru blacks man lol. but the rest of the gang was behind. So the guy in the car cought up with the the other 8 boys so the boys jumped into the woods and ran far back into where the guy in the car couldnt get to. On the other hand Obie and i went into the woods futher up the road to be safe and we found thisd little path back there. So we climb the fence and started to walk it. Everything was pitch black it was crazy. You couldn't see a thang. Well we found out that we were just getting more and more lost so we went back the way we came and back to the road where the guy was searching for us. By this time all the other boys were safe back at the house waiting for us lol. Anyways Obie and i went back to the road and sprinted all the way back to danny's house. We got away with what we did lol it felt great. So after that at like 3 in the morning we went accross the street into this crack attics house and swam in his heated pool. He was funny and i think i saw a girl n his bed when i was walking out of the front door hahaha. Man o man, after we swam we went back to the house and i stayed up all night with danny.....around 6 in the morning we decided to go look at the guy shouse that we egged so we did and when we saw it it was pretty bad lol. Well we headed back to the house and on the way there we stopped at this girls house and just woke her up and talked with her for a little, it was great. Then finally we went back home. After that my friends mom came to pick me up and we came all the way back home from an awesome weekend!!!.......................
Also i have been thinking alot about some of my friends. Things need to get better for them. I hop ethey will. I pray every night for em. Alright well im going to end this post but i have to say one more thing " There is this AWESOME girl, and hopefully our time will come " ....later