Jun 28, 2005 21:26
back frum camping i missed home alot possible cause iunno
comming home from camping was weird, we leave some place peaceful to chaos.
i feel as i am not needed her lol.
well i got a job, dont ask me what it is cause its boring.
i hope my summer dosent suck.
i hope i pass all my courses,
i hope life lives one.
stolen from caity
A- Age of 1st kiss: NONE pretty sad eh
B- Band you are listening to right now: Tiny Voices-BOXCAR BIATCH
C- Crush: none relee
D- Dad's name: Steve
E- Easiest person to talk to: Anyone who wants to talk
F- Favorite ice cream: Vanilla
G- Gummy worms or gummy bears? Both cant choose
H- Hometown: Brampton
I- Instruments: bass (in process of learning)
J- Junior high: Westney Heights Birchbank and Our lady Of Providence
K- Kids future names: Boy = Reily ...Girl = Kira is sick and Sara
L- Longest car ride ever: Florida
M- Mom's name: Rosanna
N- Nicknames: Brandonia,hey you brown kid, Kumar
O- One wish: find some one lol (pretty sad)
P- Phobia(s): Spiders drowning being surrounded by ass
Q- Quote: "through avarice evil smiles through instanity it sings"-anonoymus
R- Reason to smile: dont relee have one
S- Song you sang last: Stay together for the kids-blink 182 on the ride home from algonquin.
T- Time you woke up today: fucking like 7
U- Where are you: My bedroom
V- Virgin: Yes
X- X-rays you've had: Mouth
Y- Yoga or Yoda: Yoda
Z-Zodiac sign: LEO BIATCH