And "Carry On Wayward Son" played on the drive!!

Apr 09, 2018 11:46

How many times is it possible to miss your turn during a simple less-than-100-mile round trip? AT LEAST FIVE, as I proved on Saturday. (And three of those times were for the exact same highway entrance. XDDD I am hopeless.) But thankfully, despite my frenzy of panic when I realized I had been driving down the final stretch of highway IN THE WRONG ( Read more... )

me myself and also me, spn outside of itself, where happiness comes from

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Comments 12

madebyme_x April 9 2018, 16:06:06 UTC
I love hearing about RL meetups, and it sounds liek you both had a wonderful time!!! :)


finchandsparrow April 10 2018, 05:00:59 UTC
It was quite wonderful!!!


quickreaver April 9 2018, 16:13:52 UTC
Mika is A TREASURE. We actually don't live that far apart, so maybe the next time I head north, I'll bang down her door! :D


finchandsparrow April 10 2018, 05:02:06 UTC
SHE IS THOUGH. <3 (Yo, that means I'm not so far away from you, either!! :D Geography, aahhh!)


quickreaver April 10 2018, 16:51:14 UTC


finchandsparrow April 14 2018, 21:46:59 UTC
On the to-do list: ROAD TRIP. :D


kribban April 9 2018, 19:29:37 UTC
I'm so happy you got to meet!


finchandsparrow April 10 2018, 05:02:23 UTC
Me too!!!


kalliel April 9 2018, 19:45:30 UTC
I LOVE YOU!!! I had such a great time on Saturday, and am definitely excited for our next foray, whenever that might be. I feel like it's rare to find someone where you're just like... HOW IS THIS PERSON SO WONDERFUL--both online and off. That is definitely how I feel about you! And to also be able to share SPN with such a person???? And live near them??? AAH! Sometimes the world is capable of incredible feats. <33333333


finchandsparrow April 10 2018, 05:03:00 UTC
I think it is a rare thing indeed-and I have you as my proof! ♥ What is this world, that all these stars have aligned??? I JUST ADORE YOU. <3333333 More RL shenanigans to come!! :DDD


amberdreams April 11 2018, 11:38:43 UTC
The Internet (and SPN) are wonderful things - I've met and hugged so many fangirls now, and every time it's a delight. I'd love to meet you and kalliel one day too!


finchandsparrow April 14 2018, 21:47:08 UTC
That’s so lovely! <3 Our paths may cross someday-apparently, the world is full of magic and possibilities!! =}


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