"Riding cob horse."

May 06, 2021 16:27

So I had this dream. That Dean Winchester was in a motel room and Sam and Ruby (Ruby 2.0, the superior Ruby) entered together. Everything circa season 4. Ruby immediately started talking to and walking toward Dean (he was at the far end of this absurdly sizeable motel room) like that was what she'd come there for. Ruby was impatient and demanding and Dean was irritated that she was even there and that Sam had brought her in and Sam hung back near the door and put his hands up and said-mostly to himself, but, yes, aloud-"I'm walking away" and did just that. He went out the door and after a minute he dragged a huge rocking horse into the room. Like, a Sam-sized rocking horse. At this point, Sam was wearing a dark grey suit (I don't know if he was wearing it at the start of the dream) and appeared to be a Sam of at least three years later than the "current" season. His demeanor was entirely glum, which is a word I do not use very often but is the exact right word here. He pushed the horse toward one of the bare corners of the room. Mounted the horse. Said, glumly, "Riding cob horse." And the horse broke free in a splash of royal blue color and, with Sam on its back, started gliding around the floor in a fantasy dream sequence. (Sort of went surreal at that point and I wonder if I can blame that on the fact that I read a synopsis of "Eraserhead" the night before.)

Also a couple nights ago I had a dream that Genevieve Padalecki and I were chatting and gardening or something and having a good time and then I had a big mental panic because I suddenly realized I couldn't remember when we had become friends and I became afraid to do or say anything because if I broke the illusion how awkward would it be when she realized we didn't actually know each other?

Gen has been super sweet in all her dream appearances. JA and JP are wildcards: usually they're perfectly cordial, but (and I don't know if I've mentioned this before) sometimes they will make very stupid drunken jokes about what tattoos you should get (you don't want a tattoo) or push shopping carts at passing vehicle after passing vehicle just because they're feeling pissy.

spn outside of itself, dreamwalking

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