I'M 18!!!

Jun 07, 2005 19:08

Hey kiddo's!
Guess what! It's my birthday! Yewww. I had great day. Everyone was so nice WHY AREN'T YOU LIKE THAT ALL THE TIME :P na jokes :P
Frey and Manda and Lisey did all kindsa nice things for me today, like tying balloons up around where we sit at school, and got me a big fat 18 badge, and sent me flowers lol (Yeah that's right, I'm a MAN........with flowers :P)which made me feel a liiiiittle gay but it was still nice :) and manda bought me cake for pc, :D eeeee ur all gorgeous. Oh and then every1 surprised me by taking me into town and having lunch on the town green with lotsa my friends :D

I had my first legal beer tonight. And some champagne too :D

On another note MAAAAANNNLLYYYYY!!! 2nd on the ladder, going along strongly, recently re-signed Monas the captain for 3 years, YEEEAAH!!

So yep, I'm now 18, gunna go to the pub with my dad on the weekend, party sunday (sry if u werent invited, # restrictions:( ) and on the whole good times.

Love you all guys!

"I saw on this nature show how the male elk douses himself with urine to smell sweeter to the opposite sex. What a coincidence!" - Jack Handey, SNL.
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