anyways... i did have a big ol comment but thanks to the retardednessosity of livejournal, currently, i couldn't post it and it was deleated... but it was something like:
:O....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! ....omg omg omg.... thisi shock is getting to be to much... first tyson updates now you... i don't know how much more i can take...
ok... this whole 'I'm possibly the greatest person to walk the face of this earth... Just fuckin', I don't mean that' come on... you know you are... fuck, i mean without you the world, could just possibly end;p
i know.. i know lots of things... i know that the grass is green in summer, but currently (in the winter/ish) the grass is brownish/yellowish/ nonexistant... see? i'm clever.. i know EVERYthiing...
but.. yes.. i do recall that once a very wise and intelegent (which i suppose is the same thing) and had a very good/philisophical out look on life once gave me a very good piece of wisdomosity... dear, i do believe that it was something to the effect of 'life is like hotdogs and hotdog buns'... and i think that he should know that nothing truer could ever be said...
:O....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! ....omg omg omg.... thisi shock is getting to be to much... first tyson updates now you... i don't know how much more i can take...
ok... this whole 'I'm possibly the greatest person to walk the face of this earth... Just fuckin', I don't mean that' come on... you know you are... fuck, i mean without you the world, could just possibly end;p
i know.. i know lots of things... i know that the grass is green in summer, but currently (in the winter/ish) the grass is brownish/yellowish/ nonexistant... see? i'm clever.. i know EVERYthiing...
but.. yes.. i do recall that once a very wise and intelegent (which i suppose is the same thing) and had a very good/philisophical out look on life once gave me a very good piece of wisdomosity... dear, i do believe that it was something to the effect of 'life is like hotdogs and hotdog buns'... and i think that he should know that nothing truer could ever be said...
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