Crisis averted. All right, Adar, first on the list of maniacs to take care of?
HER. Go to the weapons room and get out your old sword before heading over there. If you can come back with a comfort animal, there will be much rejoicing.
And for the rest of you people--if you have a problem with how I'm running the city, talk to me. Talk to Eärwen if by some bizarre chance I should frighten you. And for those of you still living in the palace, this is something of a shock, but there's a real estate office down the street. Everyone living with Fingolfin and Anairë, including Fingolfin and Anairë themselves, will do their best to start moving in to the
newly renovated House of Fingolfin. Turgon and the other elflings (elflings as in they are still children) are the ones exempt from this since I really want to keep an eye on them.
Wow. Long post. Hi. Comment. Don't overthrow me. I'd really appreciate that.