A week ago I started on Believe Relaxing Piano sheets. Thinking that would be a real challenge, I prepared to fight. But... surprisingly enough, it went better and quicker than I thought. The challenge was ahead O_o And I gave myself a week to master it (and memorize it since the sheets did not fit on the music stand again :).
And then, on Friday, two days ago, I ran out for work in the morning with Jun Style in my earphones. The opening song was Arashi's season. First the regular version and then the Relaxing Piano one. And I thought... "I want to cover it, right now!" That's what I did, starting on the sheets during my lunch break, going on in the afternoon at work and finishing it that very evening.
And so it was a big challenge for me, 大チャレンジ. I decided to master two covers to make them into a double release over the weekend. I gave myself time until Sunday evening.
The result? Challenge accepted and completed on time :)
So here are the two covers that came out of it.
First, season, as an appetizer :) It feels incredible to have it done in one day. The cover is relaxing and sweet. I love this version ♥
Click to view
And here is Believe. The biggest challenge was not actually writing it off by ear but mastering it. The most difficult of all the covers I did so far.
Click to view
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