that's the first teaser poster to actually get me excited. the official one is kind of, bland...but this'n: coooool
its nice to think damn near all day that it's monday--then realize it's tuesday--sure it's not thursday or friday, but its better than monday
im really excited about graduation now. a few days after grad, me, boyd, zip, jeff, and jordan are going to mt. rogers on a week-bike trip
it's located in shady valley--went there on an ospra trip eigth grade
i. can. not. wait.
it's as exciting as seeing phish
mouse-trap cars went pretty good monday. did have a 93%...but with addison's it's going to drop to a mid-B
i'm very happy...better than that goddamned 12%!
so, in case i don't see ya', good afternoon, good evening, and good night