So life has basically kicked me in the balls in the recent months. First of all, I'm still on the Delmar pennisula but the worst part of that is that I'm still living with my parents. Talk about sucking ass. And well, life at work isn't exactly perfect either. I mean, I love the people I work with but it's they have done so much to just piss me off. I think my primary beef with them is the fact that I once expressed that I didn't want to work every Sunday because that is the only day that Chip doesn't have to work and I like to spend at least one day a week hanging out with my hubbie. Their solution was to give me off that Sunday and I've worked every one since. Basically since I've been back from the honeymoon, I've worked every Sunday except for one. What irks the shit out of me is that I am one of the very few that works every Sunday. Most of the other people there get off almost every Sunday - except for me. Main reason that I'm glad that I put in for a transfer. I don't want to work for this company much longer and by moving to DC, maybe I can get a job with some big financial institution making lots of money and supporting the hubbie. Lol.
Another reason why life is a bitch is my parents - more specifically, my mother. She keeps getting on our cases about lots of little things. Whenever we have dinner with them, they always make a point to tell us that we have to clear the table since she made it. Let me make something clear, we have never once complained about doing the dishes and in fact, most of the time if she doesn't say anything (which is hardly ever) we will do it anyway. She also gets pissed when we say that we don't want to eat dinner with her. And when we do eat with her, she gets upset when I don't like some of the things that she has prepared. She tells me that I "have" to try certain things that I know that I won't like (I'm not a big "greens" person) and then when I tell her I don't like it, she gets extremely critical of me and my eating habits. I'm trying to change the way I eat and her critical nature really isn't helping things along. She also gets on me about cleaning. What she doesn't know is that once a week I clean the downstairs bathroom and vaccuum the downstairs and every other week I clean the bathroom upstairs. The reason she doesn't know is because I do the cleaning while she is gone during the day. What kills me is that the other day we were talking and she asked when the last time I cleaned the bathroom upstairs was and I told her "Yesterday." And in a very sarcastic tone she asked me if I cleaned the toilet too and when. I said "Yesss..... Yesterday." I just about flew off the handle. Just what was that all about? What a crock.
I can't wait to move out....hopefully soon.