(no subject)

Oct 03, 2003 01:13

(Yawn) I'm in bed now but Mommy's writing my entry for me (well, my cute little hands would rather smash keys than type anyway). Today I had a lot of fun: I got to see my friends at daycare and I made the teachers say "aw" when I kissed my girlfriend Shai. Mommy said I'm gonna get myself in trouble some day but that's OK, I think grown ups make funny "mad faces" at me when I'm in trouble. I can't help but laugh. Shai didn't mind, she kissed me first (shh, she's 3 so she's an older woman!)

I had to go to the Dr. today (no fair) b/c my ears were hurting. I woke up a bunch of times last night saying "Owie" and Mommy was worried so she skipped work to take me to the doctor. After we went, she made me go to a big store with lots of lights and lots of toys I wasn't allowed to play with (no fair). We went up to this cool counter with lots of chairs nearby. She got mad when I climbed up the chairs and onto the counter and then she bought something in a bag from a lady in a white jacket. When we got home, she made me take yucky pink stuff that was in the bag. I think she did that b/c she was mad at me for climbing on the counter. What are counters for then if you're not supposed to climb them?

Oh! I forgot to say! Before we got to the store with the toys I'm not allowed to play with mommy took me to this place called the Children's Garden. They have cool things like flowers, cool plants and vegetables. Mommy says that the corn and soybeans look like crap and I think she's right; the corn we eat here doesn't look like that. Corn comes from the refridgerator anyway. Silly Mommy. Well, at the children's garden there are statues of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. I hugged Snow White and pointed out her boobies to Mommy (I know what they are b/c my friend DeAnglo told me). I said that Snow White was "my lady" and gave her a kiss. I think Grumpy looked like he was mad at me.

Oh well, that was my day. Good night.
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