Jan 26, 2004 21:26
I got to see Sesame Street Live a few wees ago! MOmmy forgot to post about it b/c she was busy being a mommy and studying but Sesame Street Rocks! Elmo was so cute and did his little "Elmo's World" song. He talked to Mr. Noodle's brother (Mr. Noodle is all gone). I wantd a Elmo light really bad but Mommy wouldn't buy it for me. It cost $10.00, whatever that means. And I wanted an Elmo balloon but that was $8.00. NO FAIR! I liked their singing and dancing, it was really cool.
Here's a warning for you: THEY'RE BIGGER THAN THEY LOOK ON TV!
It was very neat tho and I got a big program taht looks very cool. I'm gonna keep it forever and ever
Oh. I have bad news: I'm getting my tonsils out :(