(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 19:26

"Walking this road, Without you, To remake forgotten promises and meet you at roads end. Faded Memories, Reconstucted Memories, A dream - a dream of you, In a world without you. The dream I see in the world without you, Torn dream, like a memory from the far past, I'd like to put it together, With you..."

Son of a fucking bitch! I hate this fucking life! I'm always left out! I'm always the 1 who's left out and left behind. Every1 right now on my buddylist is away at the mall. And nobody wants to invite me? Whenever I like to go out every1's either busy doing some "project" or busy with their other friends. I try and b nice and say;"Well, next time" Everytime I get the chance I always ask atleast 1 person if they wanna go. But no, when they go out "Let's not invite the ethnic boy that comes from a third-wrold country" Dude, that's just messed up. And when I do ask to go, no1 hears me. Oi, man the things I go through. the sad thing is I've gotten used to all this.

And yes, I'm still on my "No helping people" strike....What's the point? Why should I bother when I end up getting fucked? Why should I help? So I can pretend I have a "reason".Nothing this week is going my way! I swear I'm gonna go crazy soon. If it's not because of some1, I'll make myself go crazy.

People let me ask u this. Is it me? Is it my personality? Cuz I can change that. I'll become a totally different person. It's not that hard. I've done it before. It's my looks isn't it. I knew it. Ok ok I might not able to change how I look, but I can change everything else. It's my looks. It's not my fault I'm busted. I wish I looked better but hey, not gonna happen. What is it about me? I mean all u ppl say "Oh he's nice and sweet and funny and blah blah blah blah!" It's 2 girls.(Yea I kno I'm greedy.)But nooooo I can't b happy...Oh no of course not. Come on! Seriously, is it my looks? How I act? Tell me plzzz! It's hard when u see, talk, w/e with the person u like every fucking day and have to lie to ur self. But noo I can't tell her cuz then it get's akward and weird and then she starts to act differently around u. She doesn't talk to u as much. Come on ppl. Give me a hint. Tell me my flaws so I can improve on them.

Holy shit I wrote alot an didn't even notice it. See? I had a bad week. I wrote a lot. I could atleast use some comfort here. that might help just a tad bit.
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