K. Haruka doujinshi

Aug 01, 2008 00:06

Hello! I own many, many Final Fantasy doujinshi, but I've scanned just a few. I have over 200 doujinshi on my computer, but none of those are owned by me so I'm not precisely sure if it's okay to upload them anyway since I didn't scan them.

Here are the ones that I personally bought and scanned (except for Galian Beast). All of them link back to my SaveFile MediaFire (6/2014 edit) - if you cannot download it for some reason or other, feel free to tell me and I'll e-mail it to you.

Scanlation Title: (seen below)
Doujinka: K. Haruka
Circle: BE HAPPY
Series: Final Fantasy VII.
Scanlator/Team/Raw: Karaii
Length/Installment: (seen below)
Pairing: (seen below)
Rating: (seen below)
Warnings: (seen below)

  1. Death Gigas - 64 pages, Cid/Vincent, YAOI, serious doujinshi. NOT WORKSAFE
  2. Galian Beast - 53 pages, Cid/Vincent, YAOI, serious doujinshi. NOT WORSKAFE
  3. SAMAYOI - 34 pages, Serious and gag doujinshi about Vincent and his father Grimoire, with appearances by Cid, Cait and Shelke as well. WORKSAFE
  4. Nightmare - 30 pages, Amusing doujinshi about Turk Vincent, Lucrecia and Hojo. RELATIVELY WORKSAFE
  5. The Outer Mission - 32 pages, Gag doujinshi containing jokes about Dirge of Cererbus.
Please enjoy! Comments are always appreciated.


final fantasy vii, raw, scanlation

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