'Ello chicas,
Could I please have some more votes on
Yvette's application?
Also, I'll take this opportunity to say that this community is going to be closing for the moment. There are a number of reasons for this.
1) I feel like I don't really have a lot of time/motivation to run this community at the moment. I've been steadily getting worse and worse at stamping people on the 3-day deadline! Mostly because I just don't notice the applications. But still. Woops. xD
2) It seems as though people have been gradually getting bored with voting, and at the moment only really Breyzy and Yin (ok, probably one or two others but mostly Breyzy and Yin haha - thanks muchly you two!) who really do any voting until I start posting pleading notices, and even then it's a bit iffy. xD ok and while I do understand that it can get boring/monotonous after a while, it's not fair on the new applicants who have been getting little or no attention from members who have already received stamps. I'm not getting at anybody for this - not at all - it's just the way it is. An observation of what happens in this community.
3) There are, in fact, hardly any new applications coming in at the moment anyway!
Sooooooo. I will probably reopen it when FF12 comes to the UK, because it will no doubt inspire me to make more new stamps etc...! :) But until then, unless anybody has any major objections or desperately wants to take over, I would like to put this community into "stasis". ;)
Is that ok with everyone?
It was fun while it lasted. Many many thanks to everybody who applied and participated. :) There are a lot of very cool girls here and it's been awesome to meet you all.
x Helen x