A lot has happened since last update. Mostly good stuff. Jackie and I are working pretty well together and are having a blast. Actually doing things with this relationship. It's kinda scary that it's a lot of fun. Looking at a possible road trip next month to Wildwood with Jackie and a couple others. Something out of the ordinary before our Boston trip in August.
Which reminds me. That Boston trip is spiraling right now. Last month, her father had asked me if I might want to go, I'd just have to pay for a hotel room and all that.
Last week, my dad decides to get me an early birthday present by purchasing Blink 182 tickets for THE DAY we would leave.
Now, I don't want to complain because I would LOVE to see Blink live. I just wish my dad ran that one past me before he went ahead to buy them. Like, it annoys me that we have to make this whole workaround for the trip with Jackie. It's starting to look cool right now as we work on it, but would have preferred less problems, and I say less problems because there are 2 tickets. Jackie and I are going and hopefully will be able to do both.
Currently, I'm having problems at work. I've been a good boy, don't worry. A few weeks ago, they were giving me minimum hours, which I can barely squeak by on. I decided 2 weeks ago that I would look into a 2nd job when suddenly they toss me 30+ hours followed by this week with 40+ hours.
To top this off, I'm managing this week. What tweaks me is that a co-worker thinks it's unfair that he isn't getting more hours than me. One reason I've got the hours is because I have managed before and managed well. Another reason is because I actually do a lot, quickly. Finally, seniority. That last one is one I refuse to use, but it is a contributing factor.
This co-worker is trying to grief me. He is constantly complaining about how I'm an ass and bitching about the work I leave him.
Tough. If he can't do it, we can always find someone who will. That is how the system works, and as much as I hate the system, I will use it to my advantage.
One thing he complained is how it shouldn't be his job to clean the inside of the service case. This bugs me because IT IS our job as the night crew to clean. One of the reasons I was suspended was because that case wasn't cleaned out. He has the nerve to whine about that and for things like that, I'm making him suffer.
This all started on Tuesday. When he came in, he started complaining about how things are a mess and all this stuff, and I just kept quiet. The next day, he left me a note next to a piece of styrofoam saying that it doesn't belong in the sink.
Last I checked, it doesn't belong on the table either. It belongs in the garbage, which was 2 ft away from the table. I wanted to be a dick back but I was suggested into not doing so, which I'm glad because it's better to be quiet and make him suffer all night while I'm laughing it off.
And this is not to say I am doing this intentionally. Most of the work he has to do is because I can't do everything. A manager is on vacation so we have to pick up the extra work. If he can't help, then what good is he to me? If he has time to goof off and complain to other employees, he has time to work and leave on time. I know he leaves late every night.
I wouldn't be pushing it if he didn't do this one thing, rat out my relationship with Jackie. Not that it really affects our job status entirely, but he now brought her into the situation, and that is what irks me the most.
I wouldn't have known this if I didn't have my allies. It's nice to be awesome to co-workers, practically best of friends. I'm trying to not drag them into it but he keeps bitching to them, and they relay most of it back to me.
And this whole thing scares me because I wanted him here over Scott. Apparently the evils have shifted and the lesser is the Scott. At least Scott isn't a complete dick about it, though I know he doesn't do everything, but Scott is harder to remove because of how he is close with the managers, though tables are turning.
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