AM I... 1. Quiet or Loud?: LOUD LOUD LOUD! haha 2. Short or Tall?: short! :) 3. Weird or Original?: hmm.. weird 4. Nice or Mean?: both! haha I'm j/k your nice! 5. Friendly or Selfish?: Friendly.. if ya know what im sayin! haha j/k j/k 6. Normal or "Special"?: Normal.. 7. Smart or Stupid?: Smart... psh 8. Boring or Fun?: boring.. but in a fun way! hahaha 9. Attractive or Unattractive? Attractive;)
DO YOU THINK I'M... 1. A psycho?: no way! 2. Athletic?: well your in track so I suppose.. 3. A nerd?: mmmhmm! j/k! 4. A man whore?: oooh yea! lol 5. Ghetto?: no! your preppy:) lol 6. A dickhead?: no! 7. Two-faced?: no 8. Obnoxious?: no 9. Immature?: mhmm... but in a good fun way! :) 10. Mature?: sometimes!
JUST SOME QUESTIONS .... 1. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?: Brain Surgen! :) 2. (a) Do you think I'll get married?:(b) If you do... who do you think I'll marry?: duhhhh! me!:) 3. When is my birthday?: yea... that one day.. IM SORRY I FORGOTS!:( I know its November something! uhhh 17? Idk!! AHHH! 4. Who is my best friend?: uhh.. dude Idk 5. What song (if any) reminds you of me?: stupid songs you listen to!:) but I love it! haha 6. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?: umm.. yea Idk 7. If you could rename me...what would my name be?: STOP SIGN! MHAHAHA 8. Have you ever had a dream about me?: many;) lol haha 9. Do you think I'm a virgin?: duh! lol 10. If you could give me anything...what would it be?: hmmm my ever lasting love for you:) 11. If you could promise me anything... what would it be?: That we will always be friends no matter what!
PERSONAL/Attractiveness 1. Am I physically ugly, average, decent good-looking, beautiful, hot?: your hawt!:) (hot) 2. Would you ever kiss me?: mmhmm 3. Would you ever consider being my boy/girl friend?: yep 4. Do you ever think about me off-line?: 24/7! 5. If you could describe me in one word wat would it be: coolestguyIhaveevermetinmyentirelife! :) haha I cheated on that one! 6. Do you or have you ever had a crush on me?: too many times to count! 7. Do you want me? (you know you do): oooh yea! 8. Do you wish we were closer?: we are close 9. State here your completely honest opinion about me: I think you are the coolest guy I've ever met in my life, and I completly adore your personality! And I hope that we stay bff! :)
1. Quiet or Loud?: LOUD LOUD LOUD! haha
2. Short or Tall?: short! :)
3. Weird or Original?: hmm.. weird
4. Nice or Mean?: both! haha I'm j/k your nice!
5. Friendly or Selfish?: Friendly.. if ya know what im sayin! haha j/k j/k
6. Normal or "Special"?: Normal..
7. Smart or Stupid?: Smart... psh
8. Boring or Fun?: boring.. but in a fun way! hahaha
9. Attractive or Unattractive? Attractive;)
1. A psycho?: no way!
2. Athletic?: well your in track so I suppose..
3. A nerd?: mmmhmm! j/k!
4. A man whore?: oooh yea! lol
5. Ghetto?: no! your preppy:) lol
6. A dickhead?: no!
7. Two-faced?: no
8. Obnoxious?: no
9. Immature?: mhmm... but in a good fun way! :)
10. Mature?: sometimes!
1. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?: Brain Surgen! :)
2. (a) Do you think I'll get married?:(b) If you do... who do you think I'll marry?: duhhhh! me!:)
3. When is my birthday?: yea... that one day.. IM SORRY I FORGOTS!:( I know its November something! uhhh 17? Idk!! AHHH!
4. Who is my best friend?: uhh.. dude Idk
5. What song (if any) reminds you of me?: stupid songs you listen to!:) but I love it! haha
6. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?: umm.. yea Idk
7. If you could rename me...what would my name be?: STOP SIGN! MHAHAHA
8. Have you ever had a dream about me?: many;) lol haha
9. Do you think I'm a virgin?: duh! lol
10. If you could give me anything...what would it be?: hmmm my ever lasting love for you:)
11. If you could promise me anything... what would it be?: That we will always be friends no matter what!
1. Am I physically ugly, average, decent good-looking, beautiful, hot?: your hawt!:) (hot)
2. Would you ever kiss me?: mmhmm
3. Would you ever consider being my boy/girl friend?: yep
4. Do you ever think about me off-line?: 24/7!
5. If you could describe me in one word wat would it be: coolestguyIhaveevermetinmyentirelife! :) haha I cheated on that one!
6. Do you or have you ever had a crush on me?: too many times to count!
7. Do you want me? (you know you do): oooh yea!
8. Do you wish we were closer?: we are close
9. State here your completely honest opinion about me: I think you are the coolest guy I've ever met in my life, and I completly adore your personality! And I hope that we stay bff! :)
-I love yah Ty!
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