About three weeks ago or so I finally got Animal Crossing: City Folk for the Wii. I had been wanting to pick up this title since it came out for the Wii back in November 16th, of 2008. I missed the Christmas and New Year’s holidays which I was looking forward too. However in the mean time my old copy of Wild World kept me busy in my DS.
The game it self is not that much different from the DS which in turn wasn’t too different from the Gamecube, but at the end City Folk combines a little of both titles to make a complete package. I find the title higly addictive in both platforms, but prefer the portability of the DS. I’m glad that holidays are back for a change.
My favorite part of the game is the ability to host friend’s over or go visit them at their town.
As you can see Booker and Copper are still guarding their post, and while that is fine I kind of miss the Police station a little bit. They looked cuter in the other uniforms, but they are all right in this past games too.
When starting the game Rover will greet you and you can choose to import your character data from Wild World, which includes all of your cataloged information.
At the beginning of the game, whether a fresh start or if you immigrate from the DS, you will find that you have to do everything again for the third time. I thought I would be allowed to skip it since I had all ready done it, and the game knew, because I had moved from the DS. However I agree, because I was new to this control scheme and it was fun doing what I hadn’t done in a good year. Plus it is an excellent tutorial to any new comer.
After you save and come back for the first time you will be greeted by Resetti, he got an associates in Spanish as you can see, and the word is that he even speaks French too!
The City is a new addition that now serves as a hub for all the weekly or monthly visitors that used to roam or settle in the town for a day in the previous versions. Katrina now has her shop, Lyle is working here, and many of your old animal friends are visiting the city too, you never know who you will bump into. I find the City not to be that attractive more than once or twice a week, but I definitely like to visit Lyle and other character just to say hello.
I got the game bundled with the Wiispeak, but it seems very few people have this add on, or very few use it, also only those in your friend’s list will be able to hear and receive the messages, regardless of who is visiting the village.
A plus is that the Village no longer goes on lock down when you have visitors, so the animals will be running around and the events and holidays will continue to run whether or not you are connected to the internet.
Over all though this game is great, but don’t expect a revolutionary experience if you all ready had the previous versions, over all this is great for new players, and also for fans of the series, give it a try and you might like it. It is relaxing and surprisingly addictive, when I first got it on the cube I wasn’t expecting much, but for $20, I’m glad I got it. I was hooked ever since. Thought the need to play comes and goes, this game is a keeper in my book.
So what are you waiting neighbor’s send me your code and see you guys online!
A.R. :)