May 17, 2009 12:33
List of names of students that responded to the last entry and the data.
* = Student shares a name with an author
+ = Student is on scholarship
Bram Stoker*+
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien*+ (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Mary Wallstone Godwin*+ (Mary Shelley- her maiden name was Godwin)
Thomas Stearns Eliot*+ (T.S. Eliot)
Dorothy Rothschild*+ (Dorothy Rothschild Parker)
Miss Truman (Persons)*+ (Truman Capote- born Truman Persons)
Edgar A. Poe*+
Jane Austen*+
Ariana Stophanes+
Ian Fleming*
Minerva Peake+ (Add'l notes below)
William Makepeace Pendennis+ (Add'l notes below)
Jon-Baptiste Mullen+
Samuel Dashiell Hammett*
Arthur Ignatius Doyle*+ (Jane, Sir Arthur's second middle name was Ignatius. This is fucked up)
So there's some people here on scholarship who don't share names with authors (that I could find through a few quick Google searches) and some that aren't on scholarship who do.
In the cases of Minerva Peake and William Pendennis, I couldn't find an author with the name "Minerva Peake" but I googled "author Peake" and came up with a Mervyn Peake who was a novelist and an illustrator. When I googled "William Makepeace Pendennis", I came up with William Makepeace Thackeray who wrote a novel called "Pendennis". Thackeray was also born in India and I'm guessing from Pendennis's icons that he was too or is at least Indian in origin.
Ian and Dash share names with authors but aren't here on scholarship.
The ones that are on scholarship that I couldn't find names for are Ariana Stophanes and Jon-Baptiste Mullen. They might be flukes since the former said she was on theater scholarships/grants and the latter didn't mention the scholarship he's on.
And here's something more fucked up: I looked up Anamnesis, the foundation that's responsible for the funny name scholarship. "Anamnesis" is a term used for the medical history of a patient, but it's also a theory of reincarnation developed by Plato.
Dunno what to make of all this. Maybe crazy coincidence. I'll add more if more people respond but the ones not on scholarship make me want to google everyone's names. How'd the ones not on scholarship get here?
data collecting,