OH Gosh, this took waaaay to long to sort out xD
So this is my first ever Primeval fanfiction, and to be honest, I've only see the first season, so if something is off in Abby's charcter I apologise.So I got this idea just randomly the other idea, it leads off into a Handrew fic which I am also considering being written.
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Abby, with mentions of Connor
If Anyone
Rating: PG
Disclamier: I owe nothing.
Summary: If anyone had come to Abby three years ago and told her that her life would be like this she could laugh, and perhaps hit them. if they told her that she would be in love, and who with, then the most certainly would find themselves flat on thier back.
Three years really can change your life, change your views, change who you are as a person, in good ways, and not so good ways - but it will happen.
If anyone told me that I would be part of an amazing group of people that discovered faults in time that lead to prehistoric times, and existent animals to be running lose all over the place I would have laughed, rolled my eyes and probably call the mental institution or something of the sort. If you told me I would have a pet Coelurosauravus from the Permian era for which I would keep my flat well and truly above normal temperature and therefore walk around in nothing but my underwear all day I would probably hit you. And then you would try to tell me that I was sharing said flat with a male college the probability of said hit would increase drastically.
Tell me I would be in love with said male college and you would definitely find yourself flat on you back after being hit. Because the idea of me being this in love was ridiculous...
Being this in love with Connor Temple, was insane.
- - -
Sometimes its easier to be in denial than admit the most smallest of things. A feeling, a promise you didn't keep, something you said or did that you regret or wished happened differently so you tell everyone that it did happen that way. There are so many thoughts, so many things that we would like to not know, not wanting to admit things that we think could be hurtful, painful and perhaps even embarrassing.
Now, I'm not saying that loving Connor is embarrassing, its strange, its something I never expected and its scary, so, so scary that at times, I don't want it to be real, at times I want to deny I even have this feelings, like its all in my head or something
- - -
But as we all know, something is hard to deny when its staring us right in the face, something is hard to deny when that something causes you to cry, to feel things that you have never felt before, pulling in her heart strings, tightening of your throat, the shattering and cracking of your heart. That feeling of complete peace when he's around and the feeling of being lost when he's not. It's hard to deny that sort of thing, hard to put those feelings down to anything else but love, caught between what you feel and what you deny.
Someone is always going to get lied to, someone will always get hurt.
If you had told me two years ago that I would be this in love with Connor Temple I would laugh, I would have hit you for trying to act funny, and if you had told me you were being serious I would make sure to hit you again - significantly harder this time.
- - -
If you asked me today if I loved Connor Temple I won't try to deny it, I won't try to hide any of feelings, none what so ever, what was the point? It's pretty hard to deny something so strong, so resilient, that just the mention of his name... just the thought of him.
I can't deny these tears, this flood of emotion.
Just that thought, knowing that I never told him, knowing that I had always denied it.
I can't deny the fact that my heart is breaking, it hurts too much.
- - -
Someone always gets hurt through denial, someone is always lost, a sometimes, its forever. And those are the moments we want to forget forever, those are the real moments we want to deny, but we can't - because like denial, its hard to forget, its hard to push to the back of your mind when its staring you right in this face.
How can I deny he's gone when he's not here, right by my side?
Because losing the one you love, is something you can't deny, those feelings, are staring you right in the face - the heartbreak is real, the tears are real - the loneliness, the feeling of being lost, of being incomplete, its all real.
And there's no real point in denying something that's real.
A/N: Thank you very much for reading, any comments would be welcomed!