
Nov 02, 2003 22:26

You know what I have to say to all you sons of bitches who are objecting to the elevation of a homosexual bishop in the Episcopal church?


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yourantiher0 December 11 2003, 18:16:57 UTC
Well spoken, but I believe I mentioned I take "losing sides"... there wasn't much to work with so I hope you'll understand that this was merely the bored ramblings of some weary dork.
I can assure you I had no intention of encroaching upon your right to your own opinion... and certainly not in the journal you express your thoughts on. Its insulting to assume that your opinion is the *best*... when it is only an *opinion*. This was just something on the random... normally when I comment in the journals of people i've never met I blather about weepy goat corn (don't ask) and people made entirely out of linked sausage.

Take note as well... I don't know you, I stated this... so theres no way I could have possibly presented a good argument on a circumstantial entry such as this. With that out of the way, perhaps i'll have the opportunity to go over your reasoning in the matter some time... i'm actually quite interested in what you'd have to say as most ignorant people would just delete and ban someone with conflicting ideas, I speak from experience.

Well religious people do tend to argue their points with... surprise, religion. I never understood that: "don't judge your fellow man"... because whether you or I like to admit or not, when we meet someone we form an opinion of them... its difficult not to do. The beliefs and ideas of others are to be looked upon and ultimately "judged" within our own thoughts. You gauged and formed your opinion of who I was the moment you finished reading my comment... if you hadn't... you wouldn't be so pissed. Not everyone is eminently fair, its human nature to be biased for our own views.

Why should it matter if he "practices" his sexual preference? Thats sort of an odd thing to use in your argument. Ugh... well at the risk of sounding a little close-minded myself I have just got to say-- what a crock of shit. I don't care how deluded or repressed you are, no one with a sliver of self respect or intelligence lives out their life, gets married and has kids... the suddenly says "Oh wait, i'm gay". Fawk that. I've always been a firm believer that if it makes you happy, why not go for it? You might not get another chance. I agree that what someone else does with their life is certainly their business, i'll leave policing minds up to the church. But come on, are you actually buying into that? Either he's lying... for whatever reason... or he's a moron.
I don't believe its a question of "leading"... i'll honestly say they just don't think it would look good. Those who dedicate themselves to a religion... are generally pretty tight-assed, naturally they'd bitch and moan about something they felt degraded their faith. Shallow? Yes. Entirely unreasonable? No.

I can almost assure you completely that those threats didn't come from anyone within the church in which he resides. How? Because so many freakin' "snake worshipers" (a general term for people so obsessed with their faith they become slightly psychotic in their practice of it) would love an excuse to "fight a cause" for their beliefs. Twisted logic... but its how some people actually live. Its difficult to put the blame for such malicious acts on everyone who was opposed to him.

Yes, it is your journal... and I respect that. So you should offer some respect to my opinion as well... however harsh or stupid you might believe it to be. Heh... again, well put. Still it was never a matter of me "not liking" what you had to say. I just find some enjoyment in making people defend their views. You'd be surprise how many dumb asses shoot their mouths off and actually rant on and on about so and so cause... and then when confronted and challenged its as if they just decided to emulate the opinions of someone else JUST because it sounded good at the time.

Bwhahaha... You know I never knew this, but theres a limit to how much text I can use in a comment. Barred by that I guess i'll have to leave off till next time. I can actually make a pretty good argument when my hearts in it, they can't all be gems Twitch.


final_hope December 11 2003, 21:38:11 UTC
Well, I apologize if I came off as a little harsh. I'm not normally like that when defending my views.

Why should it matter if he "practices" his sexual preference?

Sorry, should have clarified on this. The Bible does not forbid being attracted to another male anywhere, it states that "a man shall not lie with another man." It's interpretted that a man shall not have sex with another man(and some argue that it might be a mistranslation, as many other things in the Bible are. Proof that humans are fallable). So if he's not a practicing homosexual, he's not lying with another man. So he's well within the bounds of a faithful Christian.

Homosexuality can be latent. I was actually incorrect when I stated that he was an unpracticing homosexual, anyway. I looked it up afterwards, and he lives with his lover, apparently. So he may be practicing. It may just have been latent homosexuality, as I said.

I don't believe the threats came from the Church he's a part of, but most were definitely from the Episcopal faith. I'm fairly certain that there were some in his region as well, though I'm not certain. But they were taken seriously enough that the FBI placed 24 hour watch over him to keep him safe. There was also a great deal of disrespect involved when he was elevated to bishop. Namely, some of the church higher-ups and a lot of the church-goers walked out on the ceremony and refused to acknowledge it.

I respect your opinion, if it is yours(mister, I'll take the losing side). However, I find it disrespectful to come to someone's journal and start mouthing off your opinion(not that you did quite just that). Granted, I would have been more receptive were it an opinion closer to my own, but that's just the way it goes.

Anyhow, you seem like the kind of fellow I would add to my friends list, so would you mind if I did? You'll get to see all of my pointless bitching and whining, and who doesn't want more of that? :P


yourantiher0 December 12 2003, 06:44:02 UTC
Its perfectly alright, nothing to apologize for.

Your pretty good you know that? Just gotta love those loop holes. In truth, no they are actually not my opinions... but everyone needs a voice-- and the fact that I don't charge for my services makes me slightly less evil then a lawyer.
It *was* a little rude of me to simply swoop in and make those views known... but no one forced you to take it seriously or even read it. Even so, I apologize as well.
By all means... go ahead and add me, i'm sure we can find some common ground too. In fact I found your journal while looking for other people interested in "El goonish shive". The plot is really contrived... but the character personalities are so attractive that no one (myself included) really cares all that much. I finished reading the archive a few days ago and i've been anxious for more, thats what these things do to you though... its easy to become addicted.

Oh yes, absolutely... who *doesn't* love angst? Looking forward to talking with you.


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