Opposites Attraction

Nov 03, 2017 18:00


I was not prepared for that to be as entertaining as it was.

I find sexuality interesting. Primarily because the idea of sex is actually quite gross, and also because I still struggle with my own concept of sex, sexuality, sexual identity, and all that fun stuff. But also because of how important sex is, and isn't.

Sex is possibly the most basic drive in existence, more prominent and often more powerful than even the survival instinct. And yet the primary motivation for sex in humans is a dopamine/seratonin rush that is usually comparable to if not stronger than a narcotic.

Frank Underwood said "Everything is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power." There are so many elements and aspects to sex, and what we find attractive - both actually and subconsciously - that it is a never-ending discussion to be had. And yet, strangely, many people are unwilling to have that conversation. Whether it is puritanical residuals in our culture or the vestiges of rape culture that we struggle to escape, sex is still an incredibly repressed topic in the world, even in a world that hinges on selling it.

It fascinates me to meet Transformers fans who considered Starscream their first crush (and oh my god, have you read the fanfiction?! Sweet Christmas, I thought Wincest fans were weird!).
I guess I can't say anything. I think my first 'realization' was Mrs. Brisby from Secret of NIMH. Unless we could discount Cheetara from episode 1 of Thundercats, because that's just too easy. 93% of all boys and 68% of all girls watching cartoons in January of 1985 had a similar awakening.

It's interesting to go back through one's life and see who you considered to be the paragon of attractiveness, whether you're talking about pure aesthetics or in total. It was something I considered doing when writing Conversations with Princesses, but it seemed a little too personal and a little too pointless. It isn't a trivial matter, but recognizing when one's attention shifts from a comic book character to an anime character or a live-action actress can be a gamble as to its significance.

Who was your first animated love/crush? Big screen tangible(ish) crush?
If you had to divide your life into fictional paramour eras, what would they be and who would represent each phase?

I still think of a blue-haired smile or a Seventh Heaven and find happiness.
Like, serenity. Not that. Come on, get your mind out of the gutter.

sex, 2017 blog, girls

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