Stiff Overhead Right

Sep 08, 2017 17:56

A productive week.

Professionally, my plans for our hormonal training system at the kung fu school continues to (very) slowly crystallize. I feel like I'm knocking on the door of something here.

Writing, my project is also coming together. It continues to fight me, it's got so many moving parts. I think I'm getting it to where it's got to be in order for me to start writing it. Even if I get everything done I want to get done, I'm going to be playing catch up for all of 2018. But if this works...sweet mercy, I'll be a genius.

Sadly, that's part of what bothers me. This project is proving infinitely more complicated, difficult, and demanding than I had expected. And I was hoping to resume Teach The Sky after I had it going. If I'm going to be playing catch up for a year? And I'm not confident I can squeeze more writing out of myself. I'm already producing a novel, eight short stories, and a panel or an article every twelve weeks. Sometimes more, when it comes to the short stories or the panel. I don't know how much more I can add, especially since I was hoping to go back to daily stories.

RocKaiju is finally moving forward again. My publisher is tackling it with real gusto and we're editing away. Only eighteen damn months late. I've told him I want it available for a convention in December, which he says is possible. We'll see. Independent of the publishing house, I'm looking to produce a book or two on my own this winter. Not a hundred percent sure how I'll pay for it, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

I feel like the world is fast approaching a breaking point. It seems like Trump's removal is inevitable...but then, I feel like we've been saying that since he was sworn into office...and then we were saying very similar when he was campaigning. I'm not sure what to think. I just know I don't trust my fellow Americans like I used to.

In other news, I've been upping my strength training, and kind of stunned what I'm working with. I may reach some goals sooner than I expected, which would be cool. Not seeing the muscle gain I was hoping for, but that was an ancillary goal, so I'm not too concerned. Lost most of my six-pack, but my measurements haven't actually changed (for better and worse), so I'm not too worried in any stretch.

Still no word on my next belt test. I'm not in too much of a rush, but with all the politicking going on, the delay is making me more and more anxious. Part of me is dreading it because the school has a long history of training you for A, and then testing you on B, with the gap in knowledge (allegedly) meant to simulate the stress of a real fight. It's stressful, alright. I want to train and I want to train hard, but I also want to train smart. And I don't want to do a thing just because it's hard. Any fool can exhaust and beat-up on a person. That's easy.
There are no tough people in the world; only the trained. Trained by life and experience, perhaps, but trained. Training is merely instruction on how to respond to stimulus, and controlled exposure to stimulus until the desired response is produced. Training should always be harder than the test.

Irma scares me. Not so much in that it is a hurricane, in that I fear it is a harbinger of the doom of the world. I fear Climate Change is beyond the point of no return. I fear my nephews and nieces will grow up in a world of certain doom. I fear drought, famine, and hardship are what our parents' generation has left us to tilt futilely against.
Fortunately, some of us are skilled - nay, trained - at tilting at windmills. ;)

training, 2017 blog

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