Awake Alert Alive Almost

May 19, 2017 17:13

I don’t know where to begin.
- Beth and I are buying a house. Our loan was pre-approved today and we formally submitted an offer (and expect it to be accepted). We’ll due-diligence it by EoB June 9th and close July 30th. We’re moving fast to accommodate the seller.
- This morning, my mom was in an accident on I40. She’s okay and the car may or may not be fixable. It seems like just a really bad fender-bender but she rear-ended the person, so there’s no question how this will playout insurance-wise (spoiler: badly).
- My dad was harassed by the Chapel Hill/Orange County police this week. A complaint was filed earlier this week that he had attended a church where children congregate (which would be any and all of them; name me one religious house that doesn’t have children’s programs). While technically illegal, this is something that has never been prosecuted because come on. Well, that’s started to change, thanks to Pat McCrory, who empowered the courts to pursue what is a clear constitutional issue. We’ve secured a lawyer if it becomes a matter, but hopefully it won’t. It is acutely clear to me however much we might ‘win’ if it gets to court, it would have to get to court. And while Orange County isn’t Durham County, it’s clear that, nation-wide, drawing out the period in jail (not prison; jail) is a well-respected tactic in the ‘justice’ system.
- This morning (or yesterday?), Representative Al Green from the horrid state of Texas officially called for Donald Trump’s impeachment on the floor of the House. Might seem trivial (probably is), but what has been getting floated with greater interest is now officially on the table. Good.
- Today marks the 60-day mark that I haven’t heard from my publisher (except on Facebook). I think I’ve officially been forgotten about, which has me pissed off. Email after email after call after email. If I walk through the doors at AMA, I will formally announce that I am leaving the publishing house. If that happens, this summer will not only involving prepping for a move and finding a retirement home for my mom, but also finding a publisher because, good god, am I tired of this.
- I am completely and totally caught-up on work. All of my work (at work-work, not writing) is at a point where there is none to do, I don’t have access to the database to do (like run some reports or crunch some numbers), or need something from someone else that I’m waiting on. I have nothing to do. It’s unnerving.
- My project for my Green Belt has been approved. I’m putting on a strength seminar for the students at the kung fu school, and have to write an accompanying paper/program to go with it. I’m quite excited about it and I’m looking forward to it, but it’s going to be a lot of work, on top of training for the test (and the rest of this crap).
- This week, I realized how I am defining success for my writing. It seems like it would be obvious thing, but success is (or can be) a very personal thing. I’m not interested in money or fame (but boy howdy will I take ‘em if they come my way). What I am interested in critical evaluation of my work, and transference into another medium by others. I don’t just want a comic book of my stories; I want someone else to produce it. I want my work to reach such a level that somebody comes to me and asks if they can make a [insert narrative artistic work here] of my stories. That is the height of success for me. Seems trivial, perhaps, but a clear definition of what I want has eluded me, I think since I started all of this.
- I finally had Goodberries! In all the years I’ve lived in the Triangle, and worked in Cary, I never went to Goodberries. Holy hell, why didn’t any of you people tell me?! I hold the Dairy Queen Blizzard as something hallowed, but I may have to concede that Goodberries’ Concrete Mixes might be better. They may have out-blizzarded the blizzard!

I’ll leave you with this video of a young Andre the Giant training because it’s Friday of the craziest week I can recall.

2017 blog

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