This Is It, Boys, This Is War; This Is What We've Been Waiting For

Dec 21, 2013 01:21

I sit atop the Forum of Raleigh and there's a wind and a moon in the sky, hidden behind bright gray clouds like lingerie draped before candlelight.

Boulevard of Broken Dreams is playing on the radio.

The chronal membrane is so thin, I can touch the future and I can hear the past. When I speak, my voice echoes but what echoes back isn't what I've said but what I've said a month ago, a year ago, a decade ago. Before the Conversations with Princesses, I'm hearing myself then speak to me now.

Melancholy is such a beautiful thing, especially when you're just visiting and not living there anymore. I'm reminded of why I'm a writer. And I'm reminded of just how beautiful things can be. The future is going to be alright indeed.

And now, totally unrelated, here's an exercise-themed 12 Days of Christmas I wrote because why not?

Twelve swings a-swinging
Eleven snatches snatching
Ten lifts a week
Nine reps total
Eight different 'bell sizes
Seven different programs
Six chiseled abs
Four heavy get-ups
Three one-arm pull-ups
Two prison push-ups
And a Nautilus machine collecting dust!

charm of life, small hours

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