What Did We Learn This Week?

Apr 21, 2013 10:01

- Deadlifting 2x your bodyweight? Nothing but a thing. Doing some light driving at the golf course? Throw out your back so you can barely sit.

- Speaking of golf, buying left-handed clubs when you're a righty confuses the hell out of everybody.

- Don't ever tell people you haven't been following the news regarding a national tragedy. It doesn't matter if your reasons are being anti-yellow journalism; you're still branded un-'Merican.

- Hole-in-Ones at putt-putt courses have to be verified by a staff member before they occur in order to count towards getting the free 5-cent trinket.

- Heaven help me, the Dukes of Hazzard is a pretty okay movie.

- The Great Zyrtec Front continues to buckle regularly from attacks. Even with Benadryl reinforcements, the trees seem to be winning this war.

- According to the internet, the only visual artists in Japan work solely in anime. No non-anime art ever was ever made in modern Japan ever.

- In Final Fantasy 9, is there a single reason to NOT have Auto-Haste and Auto-Regen on every character?

- Steak 'n Shake burgers are terrible.

- I may be of the wrong sexual persuasion. I struggle to date in the heterosexual field, but if I were gay, I'd apparently be the dream catch.

- No amount of explaining will convince a woman I just asked out that, no, he's totally my nephew and she's totally my sister.

- Paul McCartney's post-Beatles/post-Wings career is the musical equivalent of watching your dad try to dance to a pop song at a wedding.

- I've had a hard time of late explaining my belief that the middle class shouldn't be protected; social mobility is what should be protected. It's hard because I invariably have to explain what social mobility is, for which I think the health of the middle class is merely an indicator.

- When you're at a stoplight and the car next to you is blasting awful rap, it is socially irresponsible to start blasting the Hollies back at him.

- Having a waking alternate-reality run about a shootout at your stepmom's farm means you will never drive by a BoJangles the same way again.

- I'm still not Chevy Chase.

- Despite a twenty year run, it's okay to shut down an awesome role-playing game to do something equally as fun.

- I have about the same amount of enthusiasm about moving to Europe as I do moving to Virginia.

- Cats may not remember much, but they sure as hell remember who took them to the vet to have their [expletive deleted] cut off.

- Despite being a research doctor, my kung fu instructor takes a strangely intense 'walk it off, wuss' view of back injury.

- "But look how cool it is" seems to be everybody's response if you ask to see cheaper switchblades.

- White Wolf has too many secondary abilities. Or, more accurately, too many secondary abilities that I can't afford at character creation.

- "Both my parents have dementia and they're currently trying to kill each other" is the best reason I've ever heard for backing out on a date. I'm not sure if it was a lie and I don't know if I'd prefer for it to be or not.

This weekend has involved several discussions about my current life, with my father living with me and my sister and nephew living a few apartments over, and the obligations both those include. The likelihood that my mother will move in with me (hopefully after my father dies, lest things get real awkward) only further exemplifies this. Many in my social circle do not have the same expectation; that at some point in the future, one of their parents will become their responsibility. But for me, it was always kind of a given. That I would take care of one of my parents (or a parent of my wife (shut up, it could happen!)) has always been kind of a given in my mind. This is apparently alien to more than a few in my social circle.

And it's a dating killer, too, which sucks! No amount of explaining 'no no, my dad moved in with me' will keep a woman from seeing a thirty-something living with his father. Sigh. :(

charm of life, lists

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