May 25, 2005 17:53
So guess who's really bad at updating? Yeah, that would be me. Not that anyone comments/cares anyway. And I think I said I would post prom pictures, but that's not gonna happen. I've just been really busy lately. Because I'm leaving for Paris Friday! :o Sorry if I get annoying about it, I'm just tres excitee. So we have like 5000 projects due June 3rd, which I won't be there for, so I have had to them all this week, plus the homework for this week, plus some homework that I will be missing. And I've been having to get ready and pack and all that shizzat.
Only 7 days of school left for me! That's insane. This year has gone by fairly quickly, and has definitely been one of my favorite so far. Next year I doubt I will have much of a social life because of my course load. Which is why this summer will be a party all the time.
I guess I should finish world civ now. I'll update later with pictures, I promise.