Mar 04, 2009 19:30
- 08:07 just voted in the ALIA elections... #
- 08:11 @ postteen AWESOME! :) #
- 10:33 @ nomesd There was an email with instructions for voting online. I received it this morning. #
- 10:54 @ katykat Don't do it! That's just sleeeeazy.... #
- 11:07 @ katiedavis @adellit Alas, no bookplate here, but we do have Speaker's Corner, which does good coffee and cookies (at politician prices) #
- 11:18 is preparing his .ppt - LOLcats, David Tennant, Musical Theatre References, random Flickr images - check! What else have I missed? #
- 11:27 Dear Mr Costello, last time I looked, you didn't want to have an opinion on politics. Kindly STFU. #
- 11:28 @ Jilavre I could understand it for an early morning alarm tone... #
- 11:43 @ embilbie Argh. fuck no. #
- 15:24 is being nostalgic... and wondering why it is that *he* gets the segue into geek-bashing? #
- 15:40 @ eglantinescake Oh awesome. What's the quality like? I've thought about using them in the past... #
- 16:29 @ michelleamclean Sounds awesome. My only issue with Aurora is that you need an employer that is innovative and has the $$ to send you there! #
- 16:38 @ eglantinescake Fantastic. I'm thinking of using the mini ones for my next show publicity. I hate seeing so much paper wasted on flyers. #
- 17:04 @ michelleamclean The best I could get for my application was for work to let me attend during worktime, and scrounge around for handouts. :( #
- 17:04 @ eglantinescake I will if you come and see the show. :-P #
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