Feb 27, 2006 01:13
So, the semester seems to be speeding by, it seems that I just came back from winter break, and my spring break is just a week and a half away. That means apart from my internship (which I'm still waiting to hear from) I'm half done with my grad school career. It's really not the same as graduating from college because I took a year off, plus I just see this as basically a stepping stone to my future career plans, which are becoming clearer every day...I think I may take my first job in a city environment, probably New York...there I will get the highest pay and still have alotta room for advancement, on the other hand, a first job abroad might be cool...I wouldn't mind working in London or Tokyo, you know, just to get a different perspective on things and broaden my horizons. Another possible option, which also seems very doable is taking a year long "journeyman" internship. The pay is not amazing (32000-35000) but it'll give me experience in four sectors of city management which will make me in higher demand afterwards. The options are really endless (I hope)...will keep everyone out there in Livejournal land posted...
In other news this semester is a little lighter than last in the girl department, but I have a couple potentials in mind, so that could work out decently. Right now I'm really looking for a sophisticated and intelligent woman who may eventually marry me, and not for a fling...I may be getting ahead of myself, but I still like looking at potential outcomes...I really feel I am in a transitional phase in life...in the direction of seriousness and long term happiness..we'll see what happens...only time will tell...
...anyway, sorry about rambling