
Jul 30, 2029 11:16

Hello and welcome to my space. If you'd like to add me, feel free. I don't friend back right away, but I generally friend back anyone who friends me unless there is an extreme conflict of interest. You might want to go read my info page first, so you get an idea of what I'm like. In particular, there is this little caveat that I'll also post here:

I have no problem with anyone speaking their mind here. That is just fine by me. But please, be polite and respectful. No name calling please. If you feel a flame war coming on, take your comments to e-mail and finish the conversation elsewhere. I have no problem with opinions and commentary that opposes mine as long as it is presented in an appropriate fashion. If you can't play nice, please don't play here. Thank you

I try my very best to respect boundaries. If you are willing to respect mine, feel free to add me.

With that said, welcome to my world.
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