(no subject)

May 11, 2009 06:54

In the garden, there are no pretenses, no grudges, no anger. I plant, weed, water and nurture. In return the plants grow, flower and bear fruit. I turn the soil and add compost and in return, worms tunnel through my work, nourishing everything. I keep the plants happy and they give me a peaceful place to rest, at the end of a long day. When I'm frustrated and angry, the weeds and overgrown bushes yield to my fury. When I'm contemplative, the garden gives me a place to think. When I'm troubled, the earth leeches my worries from my hands and helps me calm down. When I'm tranquil, the baby mantis's climb through my fingers and the worms crawl over my hands. I am very thankful for my little bit of earth.

peace, gardening

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