Beltane celebration?

May 04, 2002 22:02

In a nutshell, it just wasn't the same. It was somber this year, not joyful like usual. We re-used last year's pole, something we don't usually do, partially because Liam's energy was wound into it. We do two windings, one for our personal intentions and one for the 4 quarters. The second one, Liam and I always did together. This year, Harry and I represented Water and true to the quarter, I cried through the winding. I tried to hold it together but as we finished I burst into tears instead of the silent ones that had been running down my face. For a moment, I thought I had felt him and looked up on the hill. I didn't see him but in my mind's eye I saw him dressed in garb, waving and smiling. Definitely not how I expect Beltane to be. It was sad and somber instead of joyful and fun. But then, I really shouldn't have expected more, should I?
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