
Jul 21, 2001 07:45

Went dancing with Harry last night to my favorite place and realized that I have evolved into "one of the strange people that dances to their own beat and doesn't care what others think". There I was, surrounded by people bouncing and gyrating to some very fast beat while I was dancing in a slow rhythm that kept the beat but was definitely not what everyone else was doing. Hard to explain unless you've seen someone do it. But it was wonderful. I tranced out a few times, nothing but me and the music, eyes closed, arms moving slowly, body swaying, caught up in the beat. I felt very much at peace, one with myself as it were. And it was sort of a badge of honor that I can do this and not care what people think, only care what the music has to offer. Of course, a few songs made me do my "thing", something between boxing and acting like a whirling dervish. And those moments were amazing too, pure adrenaline, nothing but me and the music's energy. All in all, a very good night.


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