As if life wasn't bad enough

Nov 02, 2001 12:29

My cat Collette has " a cluster of mammary tumors". My cat. Yes, I have 7 but this one, she's special. This is my Coletty, my baby. She was my one and only before Liam, before Bree. This is my baby. And she may be dying. She's not a spring chicken either (on the high end of 13) so surgery which is the usual option in cases like this, could be exceedingly dangerous.

The other night while petting her tummy my hand became wet. It was blood, from one of her nipples. Then I felt the tumors. The vet took blood, results on Monday. Depending on the white blood cell count, it's off to x-rays of the major organs or maybe surgery first. Since she's not showing signs of sickness yet, surgery looks likely. Pray. I cannot afford to lose my baby now, not with everything else going on. Not now.


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