Birthday musings

Feb 17, 2016 10:09

50. 50? 50?! Really?! How the hell did I get here?! No matter, I am here.

The cold I caught on our trip made a comeback yesterday or perhaps it just weakened my immune system enough to let some other cold work it's way in but there you have it. I was flat out sick yesterday and I am still feeling sufficiently under the weather that I have shaken my fist at the Universe this morning. Isn't there a rule about not being sick on one's birthday? If not, there should be. (Shakes fist again.)

So. 50. The number isn't the problem just the thoughts that come with it. I'm most likely more than halfway through this journey. That can be a downer sometimes. Also watching my uncle and mom slowly slide away towards dying gives me pause and lots of food for thought. And everything hurts these days. My shoulders, hip and feet talk to me on a daily basis. Not liking that part so much.

50 today. Well, it hasn't slowed me down too much. Still working out to Darude's Sandstorm. Still working out for that matter. Still taking long walks. Still doing way too much in a day. If anything, I am tired more but that's about it.

Wish all y'all were living close by so you could join me for food and general rowdiness at Iguana's, my favorite Mexican restaurant, in Queens tonight. For anyone local we'll be gathering at 8 and the address is 17911 Union Tpke Fresh Meadows, NY 11366. Just so you know, it's a cash only establishment. Maybe some of you will surprise me. I know the rest will be wishing me well.

Love you guys. Seriously. Some of you have been here for the very long haul through the very worst of it and others joined the ride relatively recently but all of you have been supportive and kind to me. Thank you for that. It really does make the hard times easier. And those of you that I've met in person after meeting here in LJ land, I am really grateful for having done so. And there are those you that I really am good friends with in real time. Thanks for being here too.

My icon today is entitled Joy 2 and it is a picture of tulips given to me by roadnotes on my birthday too many years ago. I wish she was still here to celebrate with me. Miss you, Velma. Oh the fun we would have had.


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