Gratitude: The catch-up version

Jan 13, 2016 09:34

I've been very tired the last few days and keep forgetting to post. So over the last few days, I am grateful for the following:

Uncle Joe is back at the nursing home, sense of humor and sharp mind intact.

Patience. Again. Staying patient with Mom as she runs through her litany of requests helps to make it a nicer visit with her.

Mom. Really. On Monday, I thought I had lost my phone and she was genuinely concerned. Also she planted a kiss on me before I left, something she rarely does, and it was really sweet.

The cold weather. No, I don't like the cold but it is January and it should be cold. It feels appropriate.

Job opportunities have been opening up for Bree and one looks very promising.

The memorial tile in Liam's name was installed this week at the headquarters of God's Love We Deliver, his favorite charity. I received a picture of it and it is beautiful.

Friends. A couple have reached out to see how I am doing, you know who you are, and I really appreciate it.

Today I have an unexpected day off. Both my class and my afterschool cancelled. It's a loss of income but the freetime is glorious. Looking forward to the rest of today.


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