Fucked up doesn't even begin to cover it

Dec 23, 2015 20:57

So Mom has been in the hospital for about two weeks with very serious GI issues, probably related to her 25+ year old hernia that is catching up her intestines. I came in today to her nursing home room while visiting my uncle who lives in the same facility to find someone else in her bed. They discharged my mother, as per the 13 day bed hold rule of Medicaid, and never even notified us. Oh they claim they sent us a letter but I find it hard to believe that a social worker couldn't pick up the phone and call us. The puke icing on the shit cake is that they stole some of her belongings when they put her stuff in storage.

So now, the hospital wants to discharge Mom even though they have treated the symptoms but not solved the problem and refuse to do the surgery she needs because she is not a good candidate. And now she has no where to go. Now we get to run around looking for a nursing home before she gets discharged. I am so angry right now.

fucked up shit. wtf!

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