The bees and me!

Jan 08, 2015 11:25

In this one above the beekeeper and I are getting ready to put in an exit board. On the side you are not seeing is a large hole for the bees to enter. The side you are seeing is a sort of maze they have to travel through to get out. You put this board below the honey super you want to harvest with the big hole facing up. The bees leave the super through the big hole but can rarely find their way back up through the maze so when you come to harvest the honey there are very few bees to brush off.

That's me holding a frame that is not completely filled with honey. The bees also hadn't finished capping the honey so it wasn't ready to harvest. We rotated that frame into a lower super and two weeks later it was completely filled and capped.

I'm smoking the top super so the beekeeper can see what the frames look like. She doesn't use a queen excluder so we were checking that the queen was not in the honey supers.

I am lifting off a shallow honey super so we can look at the other honey super below it.


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